All of these volumes are available on Amazon, and you can order them from Amazon by clicking on the appropriate button below.  But I hope you’ll consider patronizing your local independent bookstore as well.  For my neighbors in the Palmer, AK, area, you can buy or order In Wild Trust at Fireside Books.

Several below are out of print but still available used, and in some cases, new.

See also: Jeff's Amazon Author Page

Books by Jeff:
In Wild Trust thumbnail

In Wild Trust

(University of Alaska Press 2017)


The Great American Bear

The Great American Bear

(NorthWord 1990)

Everything you ever wanted to know about black bears, including some first-person science and a comparison with brown bears and polar bears.  Photography and technical editing by Dr. Lynn Rogers.


Bears For Kids

Bears for Kids

(NorthWord 1991)

Black bears for very young kids, up to 7 years old.

Moose For Kids

Moose for Kids

(NorthWord 1992)

All about moose for slightly older children, 5 to 9 years.

Raccoons for Kids

Raccoons for Kids

(NorthWord 1994)

A memoir with plenty of raccoon behavior and ecology, with a subtle lesson about wild pets and letting go for all kids and their parents.

Books to which Jeff has contributed essays:
On Arctic Ground

On Arctic Ground

(Braided River 2012)

A series of essays by Jeff, Debbie S. Miller, and Richard Nelson describing the wildlife, habitat, and other values of Alaska’s Western Arctic region, the NPR-A, beautifully photographed.

Arctic Voices: Resistance at the Tipping Point

Arctic Voices: Resistance at the Tipping Point

(Seven Stories Press 2012)

An historic anthology of dozens of articles and essays related to the Alaskan Arctic and its conservation, including Jeff’s “In Calloused Human Hands: Tuulik, Teshekpuk, and Our Western Arctic."

Arctic Wings

Arctic Wings

(The Mountaineers’ Books 2006)

A beautifully photographed anthology of essays about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the bird live there. Jeff’s essay on loons (of course) and waterfowl is entitled “Angels in the Mist.”

Travelers’ Tales – Alaska

Travelers’ Tales – Alaska

(Travelers’ Tales 2003)

Various Alaskan writers’ and visitors’ stories about travel and sights in The Great Land, led off by an account of driving from Maine to Alaska . . . in January. That chapter is entitled “65,” meaning 65-below, and it’s Jeff’s.

Loons – Song of the Wild

Loons – Song of the Wild

(Voyageur Press 1996)

Another anthology of old and new essays about loons, from myth to biology, and well photographed. The small volume concludes with Jeff’s essay, “Romancing the Loon.”